Sunday, August 30, 2009

St(a)ying Ahead of the Curve

Seriously, Ive noticed lately how hard it is to be a creative.. er creator, and to stay individual and to keep fresh ideas pumping, because it would seem that being individual and a little bit odd is now the "it" thing to do. I dont know, it just kind of hit me that if the masses are all trying to be different, isnt everyone in essence going to be the same ?

I guess the only thing that the true independent thinkers out there can do is continue to be ourselves, because someday soon the trends will change, and the drones will continue to follow, while we creators continue to create.

Just had to get that off my chest.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

F(a)shion Solo

Today, in an attempt to get some summer reading done, I ventured out into the world laptop in tow, ready to be productive. Not twenty minutes later, my proclivity for procastination had the best of me, and i found my self window shopping on Newbury. Whenever I shop by myself, I cant help but feel like people are watching me, lamenting over the poor girl (me) with no friends with which to shop. Usually, i let this get the best of me, and before i know it im on my way home empty handed and scowling. But today, following the purchase of the coolest sequin dress from Zara, I realized how valuable a solo shopping trip can be. Not only are you left alone with your thoughts (therefore serving as a sort of therapy), but also i find that when I shop with my friends, I ask for thier opinions too much, resulting in the second guessing of my own. Needless to say, i advise everyone out there to give solo shopping a try.

**Also try PASSION FRUIT LEMONADE (sweetened) @ starbucks**

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Monday, August 17, 2009

the thinking m(a)n's sex symbol

On a recent trip, i found myself alone with nothing more than an elle(did you know elle means chic en francais)magazine, the drap backdrop of the chicago airport and my thoughts. a dangerous combination if i had ever seen one. somewhere in between fistfulls of dry airport french fries i began to notice the meticulous, almost sterile nature of the airport. a well oiled machine. complete with security detail, those crack-peanuts they serve and a distinct sense of fashion ? yea. fashion. (maybe the fries were finally getting to me) . but seriously, ever notice how much potential those drab ass flight attendant getups have to be somewhat elle ? Exhibit A: Britney Spears' toxic video (that futuristic, cobalt thing with the suggestive peep hole) The airlines expertly pairs box shaped skirt suits with the perfect amount of accesory, whether it be a gauzy scarf or a little hat and one of those little eagle pins. minimalist fashion. which brings me to the next leg of this rant. the alleged feminist revolution to soon takeover runways around the world. it would seem that there are designers out there who are fed up with the seperation between women and mens fashion, and who plan to fuzzy the line between the two. not quite androgenic, but rather genderless. similar to the boxiness of airline fashion, designers Gurung and Tim Hamilton use an essence of minimalistic simplicity to construst thier lines. Gurung focused more on a tuxedo influenced womens line, where Hamilton uses his staple android tailoring. both plan to decompose gender barriers via fashion and think beyond the norm to engage a more intellectual clientele.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

the (a)ctual mural.

thought you might w(a)nna see.

c(a)nvas. meet moxie.

inspiration: the mural crew.

every morning i would wake up and look for something to wear. it had to be something grubby enough to paint in, yet presentable enough to ride two buses and a train. for most this would mean an old t shirt and shorts. but i saw it as a challenge. i began contemplating ways i could fulfill both stipulations, meanwhile realizing slowly the potential of this untapped trend. painter chic i would call it. roll up the sleeves on old flannel and pair it with something high-waisted and voila! you have an ensemble.

the r(a)w artist.

the ripening... ever maturing (a)rtist .

prim (a)nd polished .

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

(a) little more about me.

Simply put. I plan to use this blog as a way to document significant experiences in my life via the media of fashion.

To me. fashion is more than the shallow, materialistic worm hole that many perceive it to be, but rather an ancient art form that allows us not only to mark the milestones in both history and society but also to express true individuality.

"...what they created was greater than art because you live your life in it" (The Devil Wears Prada)